Guide of Using mBlock and Google Classroom to teach coding at home
Guide of Using mBlock and Google Classroom to teach coding at home In order to curb the spread of coronavirus, group gatherings began to be restricted, and school closures were one of the restrictions on group gatherings. As a result, more and more schools around the world have been closed. Short term closures likely will make little difference in the spread of coronavirus, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, and closing schools for eight weeks or more is likely to have a greater impact on mitigation. Although we can't teach students face-to-face in school, we can teach students online programming at home. With mBlock supporting coding projects to Google Classroom, mBlock can provide a better online coding teaching solution to cope with school closure. mBlock, the block-based coding platform trusted by10 million makers, educators, and learners See what mBlock provides for teaching coding online: Supports Google Classroom to mana...